
Create GitLab repo's for Saxion programming assignments.

Teacher's manual

This is a tool that allows Saxion students to create repositories within Saxion's educational GitLab account.

It recursively scans all subgroups on for repositories named "template". As a teacher you can create such a template, providing whatever files you want the students to start with. It can also be empty.

In order to create a repsitory, students need to connect with a GitLab account that is associated with a email address. Student repositories are created in the same subgroup as the "template" repo is. In case this subgroup contains subgroups itself, these will be used as the names of classes (or teachers). Students will be asked to select their class (or teacher), and their projects will be created in the subgroup for that class (or teacher).

In order to have a subgroup created for your module, ask Tristan Pothoven, Paul de Groot or Frank van Viegen. For further questions about this tool, ask Frank van Viegen.